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Article:Benefit the female grass withdraw the thing English HERBA LEONURI EXTRACT

Sex form:Brown tiny powder, annoy tiny, the flavor is bitter and sweet, absorbing tide easily.

Become a cent:This article mainly has female grass of benefit salty, water Su's alkali, benefit the female grass settle, benefit female grass rather, benefit female grass An etc. is various alkaloids, also having a type of, flavonoid derivatives, the fat acids etc. material

Make to use:Living the blood adjusts through, the benefit urine decrease swelling, be used for mentruation and do not adjust a pain through through shut, the bad Lou isn't unique and urine few edema etc. disease.

Latin Name: Leonurus cardiaca
Pharmacopeial Name: Leonuri cardiacae herba
Other Names: common motherwort

Properties: Antispasmodic, circulatory system, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, hypotensive, laxative, nervin.

Historical Uses: Motherwort has been used in traditional medicine as a tonic for the circulatory system, as a hypotensive, antispasmodic, and emmenagogue. It is especially valuable in female weakness and disorders, and in cases of irritability, nervousness, spasms, and albumen ("egg white") in urine.

Benefit female grass, again Hao with female benefit, Kun grass.Its medicine flavor H tiny bitterness, sex is tiny and cold, go into heart, liver through.Having the blood of live turns Yu, the pure heat counteracts poison, the benefit water decreases swelling of effect.The modern pharmacology learns a research to think, its main composition is a benefit female grass alkali, little Su's alkali, benefit female grass settle;The next in importance composition is the Yun joss-stick, Zi Chun, organic acid and vitamin etc.s.These compositions have excited the womb, benefit urines, excited heart, extend blood vessel, excitement breath, dissolve blood, anti-virus etc. function.Cure the house appropriation good medicine that always chases it as to cure the gynecology disease from time immemorial.In recent years, along with to benefit the female grass research and clinical fulfillment are continuously thorough, the method and scope of the clinical application expand continuously.


Motherwort's several species are native to temperate regions of Europe and Asia and grow wild in Canada and the United States (Foster, 1993). For therapeutic purposes, the species are generally interchangeable (Newall et al., 1996). As its name implies, motherwort was used by the people in these geographical regions as a folk remedy for female reproductive disorders. It was also used for certain types of heart conditions, as the Latin word cardiaca indicates. Today, it is recommended by herbalists and Commission E for heart palpitations occurring with anxiety attacks or other nervous disorders (Foster, 1993).

Although current clinical research is lacking, earlier studies demonstrated hypotensive and negatively chronotropic effects on laboratory animals. Sedative actions and protective effects during cerebral ischemia were reported (Bradley, 1992), and alcohol extracts of motherwort were noted to have direct myocardial actions, inhibiting the effects of calcium chloride and stimulating alpha and beta adrenoceptors (Newall et al., 1996). Alkaloids in the plant depress the central nervous system and lower blood pressure in preliminary testing, and are considered responsible for these effects (Bradley, 1992). However, these studies are exploratory. Further research may determine the usefulness of motherwort, or its possible detrimental effects. Of concern are its uterine-stimulant and myocardial effects, and how it will interact with concurrent cardiac medications.

Motherwort's uterine stimulant effects were recognized by native Americans. The Delaware, Micmac, Modheman, and Shinnecock tribes used motherwort to treat gynecological disorders (Moerman, 1998), as did the nineteenth century Eclectic physicians. Indications included difficult, painful, or absent menstruation, and especially for anxiety occurring along with it (Ellingwood, 1983). One alkaloid in particular, leonurine, is uterotonic in vitro, and another, stacydrine, may stimulate the release of oxytocin (Newall et al., 1996); both actions support the use of motherwort for menstrual disorders. The herb was also a noted antispasmodic and laxative (Hutchens, 1991). Native Americans, herbalists, and the Eclectic physicians used motherwort for delirium tremens, typhoid fever, disturbed sleep, minor gastrointestinal distress, heart palpitations (Ellingwood, 1983), rheumatism, goiter, epilepsy, and high blood pressure (Hutchens, 1991).

In the Middle Ages, motherwort was a remedy for fainting and other symptoms of nervousness or weakness due to emotional excitement or illness. It was also used to protect individuals from evil spirits. In the late sixteenth century, the English herbalist John Gerard noted its effectiveness in treating cardiac weakness, and while his successor, Nicholas Culpepper, recommended it for chest colds, intestinal worms, and aches and pains, he emphasized motherwort's ability to make the mind cheerful (Grieve, 1979).


Motherwort herb consists of the aboveground parts of Leonurus cardiaca L. [Fam. Lamiaceae], gathered during flowering season, and their preparations in effective dosage. The preparation contains alkaloids (stachydrine), glycosides of bitter principles, and bufenolide.


As its Latin name cardiaca suggests, motherwort has traditionally been used to treat heart conditions. The ancient Greeks and Romans employed the motherwort species cardiaca to treat heart palpitations as well as depression, which they considered a problem of the heart. Centuries later, Europeans would believe motherwort helpful for "infirmities of the heart" but also considered the herb to have strengthening and stimulating effects on the uterus, using it to bring on a delayed menstrual period, as an aid during labor, and to relax a woman's womb after childbirth.

These uses of motherwort correspond well with those in traditional Chinese medicine, which employs the Asian variety, Leonurus artemisia, to treat menstrual disorders or to help a woman expel a dead fetus and placenta from her womb. In eastern China, women still drink a syrup made from motherwort to promote the recovery of the uterus after childbirth; the herb has a strong bitter taste, so visitors to a recovering mother often bring along sugar as a gift.

Chemistry and Pharmacology

Constituents include alkaloids (stachydrine, betonicine, turicin, leonurine, leonuridin, and leonurinine), flavonoids (glycosides of apigenin, kaempferol, and quercetin), iridoids (ajugol, ajugoside, galiridoside, and leonurid), tannins (pseudotannins: pyrogallol and catechins), terpenoids (volatile oil, resin, wax, ursolic acid, leocardin, and a diterpene lactone similar to marrubiin), and triterpenes (ursolic acid) (Bradley, 1992; Newall et al., 1996). Other constituents include citric acid, malic acid, oleic acid, bitter principles, carbohydrates, choline, and a phenolic glycoside (caffeic acid 4-rutinoside) (Brieskorn, 1972; Tschesche et al., 1980).

Studies have found that ursolic acid has demonstrated tumor-inhibiting, antiviral, cardioactive, and cytotoxic properties (Kuo-Hsiung et al., 1988; Tokuda et al., 1986; Yanxing, 1983). An in vitro study found that ursolic acid acted similarly to retinoic acid, a known tumor inhibitor. In mice, it inhibited the Epstein-Barr virus and tumor production (Tokuda et al., 1986). Motherwort demonstrated cytotoxicity during an in vitro study on lymphocytic leukemia, KB cells, human lung carcinoma, mammary tumors and human colon (Kuo-Hsiung et al., 1988). The alkaloids in motherwort may contribute to the activity of the herb: leonurine produces central nervous depressant and hypotensive effects in animals and stachydrine may be involved (Bradley, 1992).


The Commission E approved motherwort herb for nervous cardiac disorders and as an adjuvant for thyroid hyperfunction. It has been used as a sedative, hypotensive, cardiotonic, and antispasmodic (Bradley, 1992; Newall et al., 1996). The herb has been given to patients who have neuropathic cardiac disorders and cardiac complaints of nervous origin (Bradley, 1992). Traditionally it has been used for cardiac debility, simple tachycardia, effort syndrome, amenorrhea, and cardiac symptoms associated with neurosis.

What Is Motherwort Used for Today?

Germany's Commission E has authorized motherwort for the treatment of rapid or irregular heatbeat caused by anxiety and stress, as well as part of an overall treatment plan for an overactive thyroid ( hyperthyroidism, a condition that also causes irregualr heartbeat).

However, as yet there is no real evidence to support these uses of the herb. The best that can be said is that in one test tube study motherwort slowed the beating of normal rat heart cells and inhibited the effects of substances that usually speed up heart cell contractions.

Two other test tube studies suggest that leonurine, a compound found in some species of motherwort, may affect the uterus. One of these studies found that low concentrations of leonurine induced uterine contractions, but that higher concentrations inhibited contractions.  These opposing effects might explain how motherwort could induce both labor and menstruation, and yet could also relax the uterus after childbirth (as it is traditionally said to do). However, until properly designed human studies are performed, we won't have any clear idea whether motherwort is actually safe or effective for these traditional uses.

One poorly designed study suggests that motherwort might improve blood circulation. Another study of equally low quality hints that motherwort might protect brain tissue in people who have had a stroke.

One component of motherwort, ursolic acid, has been found to possess possible antiviral and antitumor properties; however, this extremely preliminary preliminary information should not be taken to mean that motherwort can fight viral infections or help treat cancer.

The Japanese consider Motherwort flowers to be a drink benefiting longevity, thus the expression, 'Drink Motherwort to the despair of your heirs'. The Japanese have a Motherwort festival on the ninth day of the ninth month called Kikousouki. During this time Motherwort flowers are eaten in rice and added to saki.

Motherwort is an excellent herb to benefit heart function. It inhibits blood platelet aggregation, lowers blood lipid levels, lowers high blood pressure and calms arrhythmias.

As a cardiac tonic, Motherwort has been shown to be hypotensive, sedative, and antispasmodic. It calms palpitations and normalizes heart function in general. Motherwort extract has been shown to improve several aspects of coronary health.

Some recent Chinese research, supportive of the empirical tradition, indicates that Motherwort alkaloids can calm the central nervous system and stimulate the uterus to contract after delivery, thus helping to prevent infection.

As a tonic, it acts without producing febrile excitement, and in fevers, attended with nervousness and delirium, it is extremely useful.

It is adapted to cases of nervous debility with irritation, nervous unrest, tendency to choreic or spasmodic movements, pelvic and lumbar uneasiness or pain, bearing down pains, and the irritability due to female disorders.

Combined with ictodes and resin of black cohosh, it forms a superior antispasmodic, nervine, and emmenagogue. Externally, it maybe used as a fomentation to the bowels in suppressed and painful menstruation, etc.

Therapy—It is prescribed in the above conditions, also in delirium tremens, typhoid state in fevers, chronic diseases with wakefulness, restlessness, disturbed sleep, spinal irritation, neuralgia of the stomach and head, feeble digestion, general debility, chorea, convulsions, nervousness from irregular menstruation, palpitation of the heart, associated with uterine disease, amenorrhea, with chlorosis, cachexia and an irritable, excitable, enfeebled state of the nervous system, spasms and harrassing bearing down pains, and morbid sensibility from uterine disease, pain in the pelvic and lumbar regions in females.

Modern Researches:

This herb contains a variety of alkaloids such as leonurine, stachydrine, leonuridine, etc. The 0.05% leonurine it ccontains has a curare-like effect on the motor-endings of the nervous system, acting in small doses as a stimulant to the respiratory system but in large doses causing respiratory paralysis.

It also contains benzoic acid, a large amount of potassium chloride, lauric acid, vitamins and such flavonoids as caryopterin, etc.

Its water infusion can inhibit dermatomyces. The whole plant is antibacterial, antispasmodic, astringent, cardiac, depurative (purifying the blood), diaphoretic (having the power to increase perspiration), diuretic (tending to increase the flow of urine), emmenagogue (promotes the menstrual discharge), hypnotic, nervine, oxytoxic, stomachic, tonic, and uterine stimulant.

Safety Issues

The safety of motherwort has not been well studied; however, obvious side effects appear to be rare, except for occasional allergic reactions and gastrointestinal distress.

Because of the herb's traditional use for uterine stimulation and the corroborating results of some test tube studies, motherwort should not be used by pregnant women until further scientific investigation has been performed.

In addition, preliminary animal evidence suggests that women with a history of breast cancer, or those at high risk for developing it, should avoid motherwort.

Safety in young children, nursing women, or people with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.

Side Effects

Are there any side effects or interactions?

One source suggests that a single application of motherwort extract (concentration not reported) in excess of 3 grams may cause diarrhea, uterine bleeding, and stomach irritation. It should be avoided in pregnancy as large amounts may cause uterine contraction and potential miscarriage.

At the time of writing, there were no well-known drug interactions with motherwort.


All information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose or personally treat any medical condition or disease or prescribe any medication. If you have a medical condition you are urged to contact your personal health care provider. Statements on this website have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Clinical application

1.     Be used for the blood Zhi through shut, pain through, through go not Chang, postnatal period Yu Zhi stomachache, bad Lou to fulfil not etc..

Benefit female grass bitter Xie H spread, the lord goes into the blood, being good at living blood to dispel Yu to adjust through, for gynecology through produce to want a medicine, past beneficial mother of. Can the list use the cook cream, as benefit the female grass flow to immerse a cream, benefit female grass cream. Also go together with Chinese angelica, hemlock parsley, red Shao etc. to live by strengthening blood to adjust often through its Gong, as gather to check good method benefit female pill. Modern age the benefit is gone together with by female grass the spring beauty cure the gynecology postnatal period issue of blood contain better curative effect.

2.     Be used for edema and urinate disadvantage.

Benefit female grass the beneficial urine decrease swelling of Gong.Again because it has blood of live to turn the Yu function, to the water Yu with each other edema of the Zu is feat. Can the list use, also using with white Mao root, the Ze Lan...etc. together.The modern age uses to cure the kidney Yan effectively.

3.     Be used for falling to beat harm, the Chuang Yong swollen poison, skin Yang Zhen etc..

Benefit the female grass have pure heat to counteract poison to decrease swelling of Gong, the modern age report way uses to cure cardiovascular disease,such as coronary, etc. valid.

The chronic ulcer knot enteritis

The chronic ulcer knot enteritis clinic mainly expresses for chronic diarrhea, sticky bloody pus then, the stomach is painful, presenting to go into action repeatedly or keep on sex, the companion contain the whole body condition of illness of[with] different degree.Belonging to the Chinese medicine learns categories, such as"the bowel Pi", "the rest Li" and"the Zang poison"...etc..Take the appetite infirmity as origin, with the hot and damp or the cold and wet Yun colon way, the bowel Lao hurt in order to mark, and annoy the Zhi blood Yu to pierce through in the whole course of illness.Cure:The pure heat turns wet, carry the Pi and stomach, the reason spirit lives blood.The medicine uses the benefit female grass 30 gs, the white Ji 10 gs, attach the son 15 gs, the water fries to take the medicine 100 mls, everyday

2 reservations infuse bowel.

Connect to use one it is thus clear that obvious curative effect.The medicine's Ping-ho, live blood to turn Yu and don't break blood, counteract poison the Liao Yang and not bitter and cold hurt stomach, the low price and the effect Zhang, the clinical application also didn't see respond obviously and badly.


The urticaria belongs to the Chinese medicine"the Yin Zhen", being so called hive.The various source Hou theory point out:Evil-minded guest in skin, every time round the cold breaks mutually, then rising wind Yang Jia Zhen.So the treatment is badly sick originally cure is the Shu breeze to spread evil, keep blood to live blood, temper camp Wei.This grass cloud:"The benefit female grass caulis main Yin Zhen Yang, can make the bath soup."The medicine uses the benefit female grass 30 gs, five live a 10 gs with the Qiang, defend the breeze 15 gs, the hemlock parsley 15 gs, the 10 gs of Fu Ling, the Jiang silkworm 10 gs, the cicada dress 10 gs, the peony skin 10 gs, float the Ping 10 gs, the licorice 10 gs, the red Shao 10 gs, the white and fresh skin 10 gs, get a ground of yellow 10 gs, water fried, everyday 1, take a medicine 3-5 can immediately make the various disease disappear.Heavy lives the function that the blood turns Yu with the female grass increment of benefit in the square.

Allergy purple Dian

Allergy the purple Dian is a kind of familiar and afferent and abnormal reaction disease.Express for the hair thin afferent brittleness and permeate sex increment, cause the skin bleed(purple Dian), and the blood platelets count uninfluenced.And often there is changes, such as arthritis, stomachache, kidney Yan and apoplexy...etc..Belong to Chinese medicine"the blood certificate", "the spot Zhen", "the muscle Nyu" category.Its main reason is hot for breeze of evil encroach upon a skin, go into the camp wound Lao, with the result that the blood overflows the outside of the vein and become.The distinguishing feature appears the purple and green spot that the size doesn't wait for for the skin, with pay with accept, hot harm the stomach Lao, meeting with the result that the stomach bleeds, the hot Zhu then has blood in urine in the kidney, hot harm the brain Lao can with the result that apoplexy.Cure:The pure heat counteracts poison, living cool blood of blood.The medicine knows a female 12 gs by the benefit female grass 30 gs, the gypsum 30 gs, , the Xuan is three 9 gses, the rhinoceros horn 2 gs, the japonica rice 20 gs, the water fries, everyday 1, 10 days for one Liao distance, curing 1-2 Liao distances generally can be more.This grass remits speech cloud:Benefit the female grass go blood to keep blood, going blood and don't harming new blood, keeping blood and not the Zhi extravasated blood, the Cheng is also for the saint medicine of the blood house.Clinic according to allergy the condition of the purple Dian can the enlargement benefit female grass measure to the 60 gs, didn't find bad reaction, since security, and then have a good effect.

The prostate gland increases to get a disease

Prostate gland's increasing to get a disease is much an old-age male to be taken bad, familiar disease, it mainly the disease machine clips the Yu phlegm Zu Zhi and water for the debility wet stop to gather.Cure proper spirit(falsely Zhi) the blood(Yu) phlegm(knot) water(wet gather) cure together, the medicine uses the benefit female grass 30 gs, the yellow Qin 15 gs, the laurel 15 gs, the 10 gs of Fu Ling, the Ze Xie is 15 grams, the red Shao 10 gs, the white mustard seed 15 gs, the kelp 15 gs, the peach Ren 15 gs, the balloonflower 15 gs, the leech 6 gs, the water fries, every 2nd 1, 4 for one Liao distance, continue 2 Liao distances and have another and can show results.This square is heavy to use female grass of benefit, taking the effect that it lives blood to dispel Yu, the benefit water to decrease swelling.The modern pharmacology learns the research certificate, living blood to turn the Yu and the benefit water to decrease swelling a medicine can promote the human body blood circulation and metabolism, improve the blood circulation of the prostate gland body thus, promote the gland body organize dissipation and absorb, past benefit female grass Cheng for cure the prostate gland organization to increase get of good medicine.

The function out of tune temperament palace issue of blood

Function the out of tune temperament palace bleed, belonging to the category that the Chinese medicine learns "collapse to leak".Mainly express for the mentruation pour Li continuously, hour many hour few, the course of illness is longer.Clinic the treatment is more difficult.Leaf day the private think "the long disease go into Lao".Disease much longer Yu, the afterbirth palace extravasated blood doesn't go, the new blood can't return through, this collapses to leak difficult cure of the root knot place.Clinic's hasing to be applied to live blood to turn Yu to stop bleeding a method can show results.Square medicine:The benefit female grass 20 gs, the white Shao 12 gs, the Chinese angelica 9 gs, wood fragrant 3 gs, the licorice 6 gs, the water fries, everyday 1, general 1ses can be more.Hereafter be worth mentruation to come to tide each time of ex-1ses take a medicine 6, general 3-4 periods are namely more.This grass outline cloud:The benefit female grass ability"live blood to turn Yu, adjust through counteract poison, cure a foetus to leak difficult produce …… collapse to win to leave out", its Gong goes into blood particularly for cent, going extravasated blood to get new blood, going extravasated blood and new the blood doesn't harm, keeping the new blood and extravasated blood not Zhi.The modern pharmacology learns a confimation, benefit the female grass contain function of strengthening the womb constringency, its function and brain hang a body behind leaf vegetable, the wheat corn new the alkali likeness.This square has white Shao more to go together with Chinese angelica, stretch and relax alternately, stability womb, the few Zuo wood joss-stick, the Shu liver opens Yu, with the stomach Jian Pi, the clinic uses in long leak not only or repeatedly and after one year not more, use often often an effect.

Other diseases

Benefit the female grass is to cure gynecology to get sick of want a medicine, for cure the head of the gynecology disease article for choosing.But benefit the female grass has already not limited at the treatment gynecology disease, even having already become one of the in common use medicines that cures a familiar disease and is taken bad much currently.If the benefit female grass and hemlock parsley's matching each other can cure headache to faint and the glaucoma, the transportation brain accumulate a water, brain to block, blood inside the Lu the swollen and ex- court get lost edema to cause of faint headache;The benefit female grass and Guan are mutually many five can cure the kidney disease to synthesize to advertise for;The benefit female grass and joss-stick attach and match the treatment women's mentruation and don't adjust mutually, postnatal period stomachache, is etc. through the water gynecology disease continuously;The benefit female grass and the deer title grass mutually five can cure an out of tune temperament palace of puberty function to bleed and the menopause collapse to leak, the mentruation is excessive, the menstruation prolong etc. the blood heat clip a wet certificate, and think the benefit female grass benefit urine decreases swelling, dispels Yu to get lately, promoting the womb constringency, and the deer title grass kidney repair sun, pure falsely hot and stop bleeding, the twos offend to repair and, complement each other and do execution.Also someone reports use a benefit the female grass one side treatment apathy, yellow brown spot curative effect very good.The pharmacology learns the research certificate, benefit the female grass can improve womb, ovary blood circulation;Regulate sex hormone, promote sex hormone to secrete level, this is to cure effectively basic place of these diseases.

Benefit the female grass isn't only the gynecology good medicine but also a hairdressing good product

Give birth to a professor introduction according to the Chinese Chinese medicine institute for research west Yuan hospital Lee's spring, benefit female grass, nickname Chong Wei, the Kun grass is a kind of herbs.Sex is tiny and cold, the flavor bitterness is hot, can go to Yu to get lately, living blood to adjust through, the benefit urine decreases swelling, is an in the past to cure a domestic expenses to cure the gynecology disease it want a medicine.In the meantime, benefit female grass because of having selenium, manganese...etc. various little elements, if the selenium has immunity cell vitality of to build up, mollify the artery gruel kind hardening of occurrence and raise the function of the muscle body defense disease function;The manganese ability anti- oxidizes, defend decrepitude, the anti- fatigue and represses the cancer cell to increase to get.So, also have the benefit Yan hairdressing, the anti- Shuai defends old effect.
