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  • 售價: $15,000
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一、 Introduction:


The Fu basin son, small tray, black Biao son, milk the mother, the son of Le Biao, farm a bubble.

[Scientific term] Rubus idaeus L.

[Reply a son good name]Raspberry

[Source] the rambling rose section(Rosaceae).R.O.C. east replies the fruit of a son Rubus chingii Hu

[Sex flavor] the flavor is sweet and sour, sex tiny

[Function]repair the liver kidney, the anti- benefit urine, strong, accept Lian

[The lord cures]

Nocturnal emission, impotence, the urine Pin, incontinent urination, bed-wetting, nervous prostration, the eyesight decrease, faints, the ear Wu, hair white

[Fruit] the collective fruit present the hemisphere form, brown, is big, the grain is whole full, have no leaf the Geng is good


Beneficial kidney solid Jing, shoot the function of the urine.Be used for a kidney falsely impotence, nocturnal emission early Xie, slippery Jing, incontinent urination and urinate Pin few etc.s.Still be used for the liver kidney shortage, eye to faint Hu

[Pharmacology]have already suppressed the germ function.

[Chemistry composition]

Mainly containThe type and Zi Chun material.Other still there is Rou to spend sour etc. organic acid.

Sugar, went against and don't eat son sour, β -valley the Chun and vitamin A kind material.

[The Chinese medicine is applied]

The doctor can see situation with the Chinese angelica, hemlock parsley, white Shao, Rehmannia constitutes of four thing soup and the fairy Mao and fairy work properly Pi for two magic medicines of the lord, and reply a son, Tu silk, fruit of Chinese wolfberry, fruit of Chinese magnoliavine, before the car five pills of the son to cure a weak disease of few Jing of male Jing.

The cause has in the Ming Dynasty the period of cure the book 《 this grass outline 》 2 kinds of explain.The first BE, the shape of the fruit is like to pour to button up of water basin.The second BE, if eat to finish to reply a son to urinate, will make to turn over a toilet.This also is reply a son wine to love the houses to like of hermeneutic.Replying a son is the strong sun food that has a representative.Have had already collected since ancient times on bringing in whole north high Changs wild reply the custom of a son bubble wine.Since 80's, the Chan cloud temple a bring a restaurant to start selling to reply a son wine.The reputation that replies a son from now on spreads to the whole country quickly.

Original longer than East Asia's replying a son is brought with the footprint of the traveller and the animal to Western Hemisphere, this is because of reply a sub- fruit in of the small seed fallen off very easily and air plant.In 1548, in English medicine cursive already concerning reply a son to jot down, 17 centuries, reply a son gradually known, 18 centuries, the recipe writer often with red reply a son for, the introduction replies a son wine, vinegar, jam, and designs various delicacy menu, making to reply a son popularity to promote consumedly.19 centuries, Europe and beginning in North America plant to reply a son extensively.Today, Russia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Chile and Germany was all main habitat that replied a son.

二、Food use:

Reply a son(Raspberry), is a kind of red berry, shape similar and wild strawberry, have sweet flavor slightly, the Raspberry is similar to Man more Mei, blueberry, hasing the nourishment that the Li enriches value, is often used in the top of the food use to make jam, be used as the condiment of the foods, such as ice-cream and cake...etc..(seasoning or increase a color)

Eat the curative effect fruit unique red reply a son, become a world and healthy fruit, is because it has pure and sweet fragrance, entrance not only to turn namely of special eating, many researches also all find it has the very outstanding food Liao value.

Replying a son saw purple quality in great quantities, are rather to eyes of good.

Replying a son has a sparse Tong vegetable(the Raspberry ketone), can promote metabolism, keep and improve looks, the result is better than capsaicin.

The Chinese herbal medicine also has persistently "reply a son", the fruit assumes gray, the fruit and root-stock are all beneficial to use, the main use is for the strong sun, restore virility etc..

Red reply a son and can repress some germs and fungi to grow and cause inflammation in the vagina excessiveness Zi, or cause the bowel Zao disease(the irritable bowel syndrome).The clinic shows that replying a son uses to cure eyes pain and have a sore throat result rather good, even using to wash a tooth to also is good eliminate inflammation result.

Red other food curative effect fruit replied a son still includes:The treatment has irregular menses, usually sexual of is excessive through the blood, pregnant woman the morning vomit, has a miscarriage, alleviates waves of pain, treatment of giving birth to baby the hour disgusting, diarrhea, catch a cold, catch a cold, child's stomach disease.

Red reply a son is the good source of the dissolubility fiber fruit gum, can help the body exclusion cholesterol and the toxin in the environment.From entrance to enter colon, be easy to digest absorption very much.

Containing the sour salt of grass has taboo

Replying a son has sour salt of grass, at the human body accumulate too many will crystallize, still have no big Ai to the healthy person, but haven't yet cured for getting the kidney and the gall bladder disease of person, then will have disadvantageous of influence, so this sufferer should not eat to reply one more son too.In addition, grass sour salt would also the absorption of the interference calcium quality, so reply a son and should not is together edible with high calcium food, the one who want to increase the calcium quality absorption and take the calcium slice, remember time and partition for 2-3 hours.

三、 medical treatment use:

On the medical science, it is red to reply a son to be regarded as a kind of anti- oxidizing agent, anti- inflammation, stop bleeding a medicine, anti-virus, cure a diarrhea and perspire and diuretic.

Anti-cancer defend tumor

Red reply a son to also have anti-cancer composition, the animal research manifestation, it can repress body many parts(include colon) cancer cells to propagate with the formation of the tumor.

In addition to planting to turn the nourishment vegetable, it is red to reply a son of the vitamin, the mineral quality contained also enriches rather, among them the vitamin C and manganese these two kinds of important anti-s oxidize the nourishment vegetable and can help the body organization to be free from is oxidized breakage.Red reply a son also is check a yellow vegetable, folic acid, nicotine sour, be suffused with sour with the vitamin B6 extremely good source, plus an astonishing meal fiber of content, for repress the blood sugar contain very good result.

Red reply a son to also have anti-cancer composition, the animal research manifestation, it can repress body many parts(include colon) cancer cells to propagate with the formation of the tumor.

In addition to planting to turn the nourishment vegetable, it is red to reply a son of the vitamin, the mineral quality contained also enriches rather, among them the vitamin C and manganese these two kinds of important anti-s oxidize the nourishment vegetable and can help the body organization to be free from is oxidized breakage.Red reply a son also is check a yellow vegetable, folic acid, nicotine sour, be suffused with sour with the vitamin B6 extremely good source, plus an astonishing meal fiber of content, for repress the blood sugar contain very good result.

四、the application of the hairdressing:

The Rou spends a sour wide range of application

In most often the quilt the edible fruit, it is red to reply compound material of the volatility that a son has the most high quantity, having the material of[with] special features most to include the Rou flower among them sour(the called ellagic, belong to plant to turn a plain list of nourishment rather sour a kind of), this is a kind of antioxidant of strong power, can by offsetting the excessiveness of the free radicals to stimulate keep the human body cell membrane and other organizations from encountering to the otiose damage, is the main source that the Rou that the health food store sells spends the sour nourishment complement article;Other special compositions still include benzoin Quan(benzaldehyde), ethyl acetate(the ethyl acetat), the lemon oil Jing(imonene) with 2-phenylethanol.

Tannins make up a large group of polyphenols found very widely throughout the plant world. Their role in the plant is a matter for speculation, but their particular concentration in those tissues lost from the plant, e.g. old and dying leaves, outer cork, heartwood and galls, suggests they might represent metabolic waste products. On the other hand there is evidence that they also act to deter insect and fungal attack (in the oak increased tannin production in the leaves in late summer is closely correlated with a diminished insect attack on them; oak galls, the richest source of tannins, are themselves responses of the tree to insect attack).

Whatever their role they have been used for millennia by man to 'tan' animal hides and convert them to leather. This practice is an application of their basic property of precipitating proteins into insoluble complexes, combining with these complexes and rendering them resistant to proteolytic enzymes.

Such a property, applied to living tissues, constitutes the term 'astringency'; the taste this refers to is that resulting from puckering of the protein lining the mouth and tongue. Beyond this as acids their overall taste is sour and we have seen that there is a good description of their properties in Chinese literature under the qualities of that taste.

There are two groups of tannins: the hydrolysable and the condensed tannins. The first are derivatives of simple phenolic acids such as gallic acid or ellagic acid. When heated in acid they yield pyrogallol, an antiseptic and caustic substance that is also hepatotoxic. Plants that contain large quantities are thus less suitable for use over open wounds. Hydrolysable tannins turn brown on exposure to air, and are largely responsible for the brown color of many plant tinctures.

Condensed tannins or nonhydrolysable tannins are more resistant to splitting and hence analysis. They are related to the flavonoid pigments in that flavins and catechins combine in their biosynthesis. When heated in acid they tend to polymerize to form red insoluble substances called tannin reds or phlobaphenes (these are the reddish deposits that are seen to form in tinctures and fluid extracts of some plants on long standing, especially in light; their presence is indicative of a high level of condensed tannins in the plant). The phlobaphenes give a characteristic red color to some plant tissues, e.g. roots of tormentil (Potentilla erecta). The final breakdown product after heating for all these condensed tannins is catechol. They show little evidence of hepatotoxicity or any other ill effects, and their use is thus to be favored.

Other related examples of polyphenols are arbutin from uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), rugosin-D from meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), and sanguin H-6 from raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus).

All tannins have a number of properties in common:

  • they are soluble in water and alcohols, but not in organic solvents
  • they form precipitates with proteins (especially proline-rich proteins like gelatine and salivary proteins), nitrogenous bases, polysaccharides, some alkaloids and a few glycosides (they have been used therapeutically as antidotes to alkaloidal poisoning on the basis of their ability to form insoluble tannates with them -incidentally only dilute solutions of tannins are necessary for this job)
  • much of the tannins ingested remains unabsorbed in the gut but a variable proportion reaches the body fluids as soluble tannate and is excreted by the kidney as such.

These properties bear significantly on the application of tannin-rich plants as remedial agents. These have been popular in most traditions, particularly for treating wounds and burns. Here their ability to complex with exposed tissues to form a tough impermeable 'leather' film has obvious advantages in protecting the wound from further harm and infection and hastening underlying healing. With third-degree burns the use of very strong tannin sources is the most effective traditional technique for preventing septicaemia and saving life. Pouring a strong decoction of tannin-rich material on the open flesh produces a sealing 'eschar' that provides almost a temporary new skin. The technique is still applied in rural China as part of the primary health-care system, and it is recommended as a first-aid measure where emergency services are defective. The technique involves repeated washings with the tannins. A useful bonus is provided by the fact that bacteria are killed by such exposure, so that tannins can be considered locally antiseptic too.

Tannins are also used externally as haemostatics to check haemorrhaging, and to subdue exposed inflammations. They have notable benefit applied to mucosal surfaces lining the orifices, so that tannin-containing herbs are used as eyewashes, mouthwashes, vaginal douches, snuffs, and as treatment for rectal problems.

Taken internally, these properties are carried to the wall of the gut: tannins 'curdle' mucus secretions, and contract or pucker the exposed cell walls of the lining epithelial membranes and so further inhibit cellular secretions. With the slender boundary between outside and interior found in the gut wall, the tannins' anti-inflammatory effect (involving lymph stasis and neutralization of autolytic enzymes) is more pronounced so that it finds particular application in controlling the symptoms of gastritis, enteritis, oesophagitis and inflammatory bowel problems.

The traditional application of tannin remedies for controlling diarrhea is an example of this: in rural circumstances most diarrhea (and this symptom is the main proximal cause of death in most of the world) is caused by inflammation or irritation in the small intestine - enteritis. The diarrhea, of course, involves the large bowel but this is a reflex response originating higher up and designed to remove the offending material as speedily as possible. Although diarrhea in this sense is a healthy response, it can, if prolonged, lead to dehydration and death very quickly. To control its ferocity, the use of good astringent remedies is indicated, and these work, not by 'stopping up' the flow, but by reducing the inflammation up in the small intestine.

In modern developed societies looseness of the bowel is often due to other causes than small-bowel infection, and these can include bowel spasm and degenerative inflammatory disease of the small or large bowel. Clearly the uses of tannins may be limited in such cases: however, as long as there is some local irritation involved, there is the chance that tannins will reduce the intensity of the reflex intestinal hurry. Although the application is a purely symptomatic one it differs from the use of such agents as kaolin and morphine by actually encouraging healing of the affected bowel wall, and some checking of any unwelcome pathogenic population.

Such beneficial effects of tannins in the bowel should be balanced against possible problems in their widespread use. It was noted that tannins form precipitates with all proteins. These include dietary proteins, of course. Once precipitated such protein-tannin complexes are far less likely to be absorbed into the bloodstream as they become resistant to the action of digestive enzymes. This fact should limit the time in which tannin-rich remedies are used. More importantly it casts a shadow over the widespread use of coffee and particularly tea. The astringent taste of over-steeped tea is familiar, and it is generally recommended that tea should be taken only lightly brewed. The whole picture is typically complex: caffeine, as an alkaloid, is also complexed by tannin -this means that it is less available to the body in the more tannin-rich tea than in coffee. There may even be advantages in the tannin effect: it is known that milk added to tea permanently changes its quality. This involves the formation of complexes with the milk proteins; for those allergic to cow's milk this may mean that milk taken in tea is acceptable (however, this should not be taken for granted); conversely, adding milk to tea's tannins effectively engages them so that they can do less to other proteins in the digestive tract.

Interference can also occur between tannins and alkaloidal and other pharmacological constituents: one must therefore expect some reduced activity in some plants if they contain high levels of tannin or if tannin-rich remedies are added to them in the same mixture.

Tannins are like mucilages in that they work as astringents only at point of contact, on the surface or on the gut wall. They have no appreciable astringent action on internal organs or tissues, although astringent plants may contain other constituents with this function.

Can the water solution(the tannic acid namely the list is rather sour)

List rather of the structure include carbohydrate with sour two basic units.The grape carbohydrate is a more familiar carbohydrate.The gallic acid and the ellagic acid are main sour.The Qian Ji of the carbohydrate is linked with the ester key with sour Zui Ji.

五、Reduce weight a new detection-reply a son to is combustion-supporting burn fat:

The nourishment ingredient that replies a Mei includes:

The Xi Tong plain raspberry ketone, can accelerate the metabolism combustion of the fat, help a body inside eject surplus material

Chemical Name

Raspberry Ketone








Odor Description

Fruity, sweet, raspberry, balsamic

Occurrence in Nature

Found in raspberry.

Application Information

Used in flavors such as raspberry, strawberry, pineapple, and peach. In perfumes, where floral notes need fruity undertones, particularly in jasmine, gardenia, and tuberose.

Typical Use Level:

0.5 - 5%



Hypochlorite Bleach


Perborate Powder Detergent


Liquid Detergent


Concentrated Fabric Softeners




Alcoholic Fine Fragrances


Toiletry Applications






Dry Fabric


Wet Fabric




Tenacity on Blotter

> 1 Week


Fairly diffusive



Typical Physical Properties

Sp. Gr.

Refractive Index n

B.P. oC

M.P. oC


Flash Point oC

>95 CC

[α]20D minimum

Solubility: Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and oils.

Appearance: Colorless crystals

Regulatory Status









Japan (ENCS)




HTS Tariff No.




Philippines (PICCS)





Storage: Cool, dry place in tightly sealed containers, protected from heat and light.

Shipping: Available in fiber drums.

Handling: Handling: All materials should be handled according to the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice. Refer to MSDS for specific information.

Type the son tea vegetable and anti- oxidize a flavonoid, can kick out an excessive free radicals inside the body and can promote metabolism for the natural anti- oxidizing agent.

Abundant little element and the potassium salt, can help to regulate the sour alkali value in the body, maintain a good complexion, help a body inside eject the surplus material, avoid the water piling up.



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