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  • 售價: $27,000
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1. Total formula: not available

2. Structural formula: not available

3. Average Molecular weight: 2500 Dalton

4. CAS number: 100209-19-6

5. EINECS number: 3093276

6. INCI name (EEC): Hydrolyzed Sweet Almond Protein

7. INCI name (USA): Hydrolyzed Sweet Almond Protein

8. Chemical nature: Enzymatic hydrolysis product of sweet almond protein


1. This is a non-toxic substance for which no special first aid measures are indicated.

2. In case of contact with eyes, flush with plenty of water.

3. In case of ingestion, induce vomiting and seek medical advice.


1. Handling: Normal personal protection devices: gloves, safety glasses

2. Storage: In well sealed containers, in a cool, dark place. Avoid extreme temperatures

3. Type of container: Dark polyethylene containers


1. Color and appearance: Clear amber-yellow liquid.

2. Odor: Slight, characteristic

3. pH: 4.0-6.0

4. Boiling point: 90-100°C

5. Melting point: —

6. Flash point: Non flammable

7. Flammability: —

8. Explosive properties: —

9. Combustion support properties: —

10. Vapor pressure: —

11. Density at 25°C: 1.080-1.100 g/mL

12. Solubility Water solubility: Soluble

13. Fat solubility: Non soluble

14. Hazardous reactions: None


The substance is stable and poses no threat of hazardous reaction under the storage conditions specified at no. 7 above.


1. Toxicity: Non toxic

2. Ability to irritate: Non irritating

3. Ability to sensitize: No skin sensitization has been observed


Environmentally innocuous


The instructions given at no. 6 above ensure safe disposal.

Use: raw material for cosmetics


The almond is closely related to the peach, apricot, and cherry (all classified as drupes). Unlike the others, however, the outer layer of the almond is not edible. The edible portion of the almond is the seed.

Sweet almonds are a popular nutritious food. Researchers are especially interested in their level of monounsaturated fats, as these appear to have a beneficial effect on blood lipids.

Almond oil is widely used in lotions and cosmetics.


Almendra, Almendra dulce, almond oil, amande, amande douce, amandel, amendoa, am?ndoa doce, amigdalo, Amygdalus communis, Amygdala Dulcis , badam, badami, badamo, badamshirin, bedamu, bian tao, bilati badam, cno ghreugach, expressed almond oil, fixed almond oil, harilik mandlipuu, Jordan almond, lawz, lozi, mandel, mandla, mandorla, mandorla dulce, mandula, mangel, mantelli, migdal, migdala, migdalo, mindal, Prunoidae (subfamily), Prunus communis dulcis , Prunus dulcis var. dulcis , Rosaceae (family), sladkiy mindal, sötmandel, süßmandel, sweet almond oil, tatli badem, tian wei bian tao, tian xing ren, vaadaam, vadumai, zoete amandel.

Note: Sweet almond should not be confused with bitter almond, which contains amygdalin and can be broken down into the poisonous substance hydrocyanic acid (cyanide).


These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider.

Uses based on scientific evidence


High cholesterol (whole almonds)

Early studies in humans and animals report that whole almonds may lower total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL/"bad" cholesterol), and raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL/"good" cholesterol"). It is not clear what dose may be safe or effective.


Radiation therapy skin reactions (used on the skin)

In preliminary study, an ointment made of sweet almond has not shown a benefit when applied to the skin of patients treated with radiation.


*Key to grades
A: Strong scientific evidence for this use;
B: Good scientific evidence for this use;
C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use;
D: Fair scientific evidence against this use;
F: Strong scientific evidence against this use.

Uses based on tradition or theory

The below uses are based on tradition or scientific theories. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider.

Antibacterial, aphrodisiac, bladder cancer, breast cancer, chapped lips, colon cancer, dilution of injected medications, emollient, heart disease, increasing sperm count, mild laxative, moisturizer, mouth and throat cancers, plant-derived estrogen, uterine cancer.


The below doses are based on scientific research, publications, traditional use, or expert opinion. Many herbs and supplements have not been thoroughly tested, and safety and effectiveness may not be proven. Brands may be made differently, with variable ingredients, even within the same brand. The below doses may not apply to all products. You should read product labels, and discuss doses with a qualified healthcare provider before starting therapy.


Standardization involves measuring the amount of certain chemicals in products to try to make different preparations similar to each other. It is not always known if the chemicals being measured are the "active" ingredients. Standardized sweet almond products are not widely available. Almond samples have been found to be contaminated with a dangerous molecule, aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is produced by Aspergillus fungus and is also present in small amounts in peanut products. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for monitoring aflatoxin concentrations.

Adults (18 years and older)

High cholesterol: Studies have used 84 to 100 grams of whole almonds daily by mouth with no reported side effects.

Laxative: 30 milliliters of sweet almond oil daily by mouth has been used.

Note: A small randomized controlled trial showed the same cholesterol profile benefits in patients taking almond oil versus whole almonds, although dosing was based on a percentage of habitual fat intake and not on a specific weight of whole almonds or measure of almond oil. Sweet almonds and sweet almond oil should not be confused with bitter almonds or bitter almond oil, which can be dangerous in humans.

Children (younger than 18 years)

Little information is available for the use of sweet almonds in children, aside from the amounts normally eaten in the diet.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. There is no guarantee of strength, purity or safety of products, and effects may vary. You should always read product labels. If you have a medical condition, or are taking other drugs, herbs, or supplements, you should speak with a qualified healthcare provider before starting a new therapy. Consult a healthcare provider immediately if you experience side effects.


Allergies to almonds are common and can lead to severe reactions, including oral allergic syndrome (OAS), swelling of the lips and face, and closure of the throat. People who are allergic to one type of nut may also be allergic to other nuts. Avoid use in anyone with known allergy to almonds, almond products, or other nuts.

Side Effects and Warnings

In most reports, sweet almond is generally considered to be safe when taken by mouth. Based on animal studies, sweet almond may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised in patients with diabetes or hypoglycemia, and in those taking drugs, herbs, or supplements that affect blood sugar. Serum glucose levels may need to be monitored by a healthcare provider, and medication adjustments may be necessary.

Mice fed sweet almonds have been reported to lose weight, but it is not clear if this reflects a change in their diet or a specific effect of almonds. Almonds are reported to lower low-density lipoproteins (LDL or "bad cholesterol") and total cholesterol levels. One animal study reports that sweet almond may have estrogen-like activity. A study in mice reports hair loss and inflammation in the leg joints. There is a report of a fat embolism (fat bubbles traveling through the bloodstream, which is potentially dangerous) due to injection of almond oil into the penis.

Theoretically, increased intake of almonds (and therefore increased intake of unsaturated fat) can lead to weight gain. However, a small randomized controlled trial reports that consuming approximately 320 calories of almonds daily for six months does not lead to statistically or biologically significant average changes in body weight, and does increase the consumption of unsaturated fats.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

There is little information about the use of sweet almond during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It appears that almonds in regular dietary intake are safe for most non-allergic individuals.


Most herbs and supplements have not been thoroughly tested for interactions with other herbs, supplements, drugs, or foods. The interactions listed below are based on reports in scientific publications, laboratory experiments, or traditional use. You should always read product labels. If you have a medical condition, or are taking other drugs, herbs, or supplements, you should speak with a qualified healthcare provider before starting a new therapy.

Interactions with Drugs

Based on animal studies, sweet almond may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised when using medications that may also lower blood sugar. Patients taking drugs for diabetes by mouth or insulin should be monitored closely by a qualified healthcare provider. Medication adjustments may be necessary.

Theoretically, almonds and cholesterol-lowering agents may have additive effects when taken together.

Interactions with Herbs and Dietary Supplements

Based on animal studies, sweet almond may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised when using herbs or supplements that may also lower blood sugar. Blood glucose levels may require monitoring, and doses may need adjustment. Possible examples include: Aloe vera , American ginseng, bilberry, bitter melon, burdock,fenugreek, fish oil, gymnema, horse chestnut seed extract (HCSE), maitake mushroom, marshmallow, milk thistle, Panax ginseng, rosemary, Siberian ginseng, stinging nettle, and white horehound.

Theoretically, almonds may add to the effects of herbs or supplements that lower blood cholesterol levels, such as fish oil, garlic, guggul, or niacin.


This information is based on a professional level monograph edited and peer-reviewed by contributors to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration Winnie Abrahamson, ND; Mamta Vora, PharmD (Natural Standard Research Collaboration);

Antigenic stability of almond (Prunus dulcis L.) proteins towards in vitro simulated gastric fluid digestion: Effects of pepsin concentration, pH, and digestion time

M. VENKATACHALAM1, S. S. Teuber2, K. H. Roux3, and S. K. Sathe1. (1) Dept. of Nutrition, Food & Exercise Sciences, Florida State Univ., 402 Sandels Bldg., Mail Code 1493, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1493, (2) School of Medicine, Univ. of California, Davis, Div. of Rheumatology, Allergy & Clinical Immunology, 2221 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95817, (3) Dept. of Biological Science, Florida State Univ., 335 Biology Unit 1, Mail Code 4370, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4370

Resistance to proteolysis has been suggested by some investigators as one of the tools for predicting protein allergenicity. The suggestion is based on the resistance of allergenic protein to proteolysis under in vitro simulated gastric fluid (SGF) and simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) digestion conditions. Several contradictory results have been reported using such methods. However, in order to simulate human digestive system, variations in enzyme to test protein ratio, pH of the gastric fluid and incubation time need to be taken into account. We therefore determined effects of selected factors on antigenic stability of almond proteins.

Proteins were extracted from defatted almond flour with deionized water (pH 8.5). Simulated gastric fluid (SGF) digestion was performed as per United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) protocol. Final digestion conditions were, digestion volume 220 l, 0.25 mg of protein /ml of SGF, pepsin to protein ratio of 12.5:1, 1:1, 1:25, 1:100, and 1:500 w/w; pH 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0; 37°C, and incubation times up to 4 h. Pepsin activity was terminated at the desired time interval by adding 10 l 2 N NaOH. Substrate proteolysis was monitored by SDS-PAGE. Western blotting, using rabbit polyclonal antibodies raised against whole almond protein extract, was used to assess presence of detectable antigenic polypeptides.

At a pepsin: protein ratio of 12.5:1 and a pH range of 1.2 - 4, no antigenic almond peptides could be detected > 5 min of digestion. However, western blotting of digested samples from pepsin:protein ratio (w/w) 1:25, 1:100, and 1:500 (pH range 1.2-4) indicated persistence of antigenic peptides. The data suggest incomplete proteolysis of antigenic proteins/polypeptides or the generation of antigenic proteins/polypeptides not present at the beginning of the substrate digestion.

The simulated SGF digestion model as a tool to predict allergenicity of proteins is therefore unreliable and should be used with great caution.


The protein is a kind of complicated organic big numerator compound.Along with the modern age physics, chemistry of develop continuously, more and more proteins acquired a pure crystallize.According to element analysis, in addition to carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, usually still have a little amount nitrogen and the sulphur.Parts of proteins still have a little bit other elements, mainly is the Lin, iron, copper, iodine, zinc and Mu etc..These elements occupy in the protein constitute of comparison BE:The carbon occupy 50%, hydrogen about to occupy 7%, oxygen about to occupy 23%, nitrogen about to occupy 16%, sulphur about to occupy about 0?3% with other little elements.The protein is most basically a life to constitute one of the parts, is one of the biochemical main research objects.


The protein is been sour by the An Ji to pass The key has the preface conjunction and many s of the formationChain.The basic unit of the protein is the An Ji is sour, the An Ji sour ammonia Ji and Zui Ji Suo become after matching lose a waterKey, constituted by three or three Can Jis with sour above An JisBe called manysThe formation has another Chain.

The numerator structure of the protein can divide the line to four classes:

One class structure:Constitute manysThe line An Ji of the chain sour sequence.

Second class structure:Depend on different The C of the key=the stable structure of the hydrogen key formation of the O and the N-H Ji regiment.

X-rated structure:By a manysThe stable structure that the interaction of the different An Ji sour side chain of the chain becomes.

Four class structure:By much more differentThe chain second Ji the interaction formation has the protein numerator of the function.

A the class structure depends on the covalence key maintenance that turns to record to become in the process.Fold formation high one class structure through a protein.Particular manysThe chain may have more than a stable Gou types, each Gou types all have an own the particular living creature activity, only having among them a kind of have a natural activity.

The second class structure includes α helix, the β fold, the β turn corn with have no rule curl.

If subdivide further, the second class structure includes the super and second class structure and structure area with of the x-rated structure still.

The super and second class structure(the super-secondary structure) means close together some and second class combinations of the second class structure that the structure(usually is the α helix and β to turn corn) each other interaction formation has regulation, is the components that constitute x-rated structure.

The structure area(the structual domain) means the second class structure or super and second class structure constitutes of the part of the x-rated structure fold district.

The x-rated structure overwhelming majority can be categorized in these four:Whole α structure, whole β structure, the αβ mixture structure with enrich structure with metals or two sulphur keys.

Four class structure point many sThe interaction of of the chain.


The protein is usually been divided into dissolubility, the fiber form or film combine egg white.(see also the integration film egg white)Almost all living creature catalysts, namely It is all protein.(20 century later period, people find a certain RNA sequence also has the catalyst activity)The transport structure and the ion channel combined with film, can transfer to the bottom thing from a position another position and don't change them;Be subjected to a body, usually also don't change their bottom thing, is the shape and the bottom thing that changes a self to combine only;And antibody, see to seem to be to only combine function;All of these are the proteins.End, the composing cell framework and animal are greatly part of structural of the fiber material is also a protein:The gum constituted skin, hair and cartilages with the corn egg white at first;The muscle is greatly part of is also constituted by protein.

The environment of its surroundings for protein is very fastidious.They only within the scope of a pimping pH and have to keep their live or natural appearance in the aqua of a little amount electrolyte, many proteins can't be existed in distilled water in.The protein lost its natural appearance to be called to change sex.Become sexual protein usually in addition to random curl have no other second class structure.The protein that is placed in natural appearance usually all folds.


Catalyst.An important function of the protein is the living creature catalyst,

Adjust.Some proteins have a function of adjust to the metabolism in the living creature body, for example, insulin.

Conveyance.Some proteins have the function of the conveyance metabolism material, for example, ion channel.

Store.A great deal of protein in the seed is the storage that uses to come to Meng to deliver a hour.

Exercise.Benefit,such as muscle egg white, .

Structure.For example hair, etc..

Other, guard against for example, take the offensive an etc..For example there is a great deal of protein to participate in the mankind's immunity process.

The protein can be used

Produce energy, but they have to be converted to become some common metabolism mediums first.This process demand takes off an ammonia, a kind of material with very big toxicity.The ammonia is converted into urea in the liver, the toxicity dies down, is arranged into the urine.Another some animals convert the urea as uric acid.

The protein is the essential ingredient of the animal meal, developing to the pass importance to the growth and the organization, it can take from the meat, fish, egg, milk and the bean food.

The protein lacks of to usually involve dietetics, is the hungry and the malnutrition of national people in the third world particularly.Even in the developed nation for example the United States, this is also a healthy factor that is ignored.Because the pressure of the society causes to reduce.

Fatty hour, the food is depended on in carbohydrate seriously, being in need of essential the An Ji is sour.Protein's lacking of can with the result that disease, for example tired, the insulin bears to be subjected to, taking off hair, the hair drops a color(should be a black hair to change into red), the muscle weight eases(the protein can repair muscular tissue), the body temperature is low, hormone maladjustment.Serious protein's lacking of will be fatal.

The protein is excessive and will also cause problem, for example the horse turns over to pour due to the problem of the feet.

The chief culprit that usually causes to a certain food allergy and the allergy is usuallya protein.Because each protein of the structure has slightly dissimilarity, some proteins will cause some reactions of immune systems, and a little bit other very safe.Many persons all to a certain protein in the peanut, perhaps the protein of the molluscs or other seafoods is allergic, but few someone to all these are three kinds of all allergic.

The plant protein will use a great deal of body calories to consume, so eat much and can also increase own satisfied foot feeling.And the protein need the vitamin Bs to make a conversion, so at the edible protein add a food, the suggestion matches with the vitamin Bs, will make the protein develop to the biggest effect.

The protein is in the middle, again the plant protein is better to human body, among them, the soybean refine of protein, more can't because the human body constitution causes to arrange his sex, so suggestion want to add protein, make choice of purchase to suit an own protein, in order to prevent spend money and harm a body.

The application of the hairdressing

1. Reduce thin Wen.

2. Soften keratin and accept down hole.

3. Fair skin, reduce thin Wen.

4. Function had natural fair result, canned raise the skin metabolism and hydrated, obstruct a skin effectively dry again can make body light Jie.

5. The dark Chuang and the oil skin, eliminate inflammation, go to oil.

6. The maintenance that contributes to the skin humidity applies all skins

7. The vitamin E with original B5, deeper moisten to adjust reason whole body each the inch skin, the lock lives the skin humidity, preventing from dry, result hold out for long time.

8. The living creature polymer, its special 3D net structure can become continuous and smooth thin film superficially in the skin, bringing immediately tight with the result that.

9. Can enhance the gum original fiber and the elasticity fiber, accept a tight skin, the repair skin color, prevent skin flabby with crease creation, defer decrepitude.

10. Enrich to contain the pure VA and VE, can enhance the skin and mucosa, prolong the cell division period, prevent the creation of the melanin from and repress the free radicals formation, it slip the soft and tender You of skin, clean white very clear.

11. Enhance the collagen and the elasticity fiber, accept a tight skin, the repair skin color, prevent skin flabby produce with crease, defer aging.



食品級萃取液蛋白質 Protein